

白血病是儿童中最常见的癌症. We offer advanced treatments like CAR T-cell therapy that result in excellent survival rates for our patients.

Having a child diagnosed with leukemia is an overwhelming moment for a family. 约翰霍普金斯儿童癌症中心 & 圣路易斯市血液疾病研究所. 彼得堡, Florida, our team helps you navigate this new world as smoothly as possible.

我们的 血癌专家 see several hundred children with leukemia every year. This high volume gives us the expertise to effectively treat this complex cancer — even in the very youngest patients. 

多亏了我们提供的创新疗法, our five-year survival rates for many types of pediatric leukemia are 93 percent or greater. Children who are disease-free for five years are very likely cured.

我们的 program is recognized as a Top 50 Children's Cancer Program by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 2023 - 2024年.



Leukemia is a blood cancer that causes abnormal white blood cells to grow in the bone marrow and move into the bloodstream.

白血病细胞繁殖, 占用健康白细胞的空间, 红细胞和血小板. 没有足够的健康白细胞, children with leukemia are less able to fight off infection. A lack of healthy red blood cells can cause fatigue, shortness of breath and other symptoms. A low level of platelets causes easy bleeding and bruising.


直到有一天,阿瓦琳还在蹒跚学步, a small fall eventually unveiled a larger health issue – childhood leukemia. Her parents share their story of finding a diagnosis that led them to Johns Hopkins All Children’s for treatment. With the help of a care team who became an extension of their family, 阿瓦琳现在是活跃的, 精力充沛的孩子. 看她的故事.



For more information on how the team in the 癌症和血液疾病研究所 at 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院 can help your child, 请给我们打电话. 我们的 expert team provides children of all ages with comprehensive, compassionate care.





研究ers still don’t have answers to this question. In most cases, your child’s 医生 won’t be able to pinpoint a specific cause.

Some evidence suggests that gene mutations (changes) may play a role in childhood leukemia. The mutations may be inherited (passed down from parents), 或者基因可能在受孕或出生后发生突变.

Having chemotherapy or radiation to treat another type of cancer can increase your child’s risk of developing leukemia. And children who have Down syndrome or Li-Fraumeni syndrome are also at a higher risk for the disease.


随着白血病细胞的繁殖, they interfere with the production of healthy blood cells and bone marrow function. This can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including:

  • 食欲不振或体重减轻
  • Bleeding easily (including frequent nosebleeds or bleeding gums)
  • 骨骼或关节疼痛
  • 容易擦伤
  • 乏力
  • 发热
  • 频繁的感染
  • 苍白的皮肤
  • 呼吸急促(气促)
  • 淋巴结肿大 


If your child has symptoms of leukemia, your 医生 will order various tests to confirm a diagnosis. 这些测试可能包括:

  • 全血细胞计数: 你孩子的 医生 will take a blood sample and analyze it. A CBC reveals the number of each type of blood cells and whether any of the blood cells look abnormal.
  • 骨髓穿刺活检: Using a thin, hollow needle, we remove bone marrow samples to check for signs of leukemia.
  • 腰椎穿刺: 这种测试有时被称为脊髓穿刺. We use a thin, hollow needle to remove a spinal fluid sample and check it for leukemia cells.


Logan grew up watching his two older brothers play sports. 当他终于满4岁的时候, it was his turn to show off his flag football skills, 直到被诊断出白血病,他几乎无法继续工作. With the help of his football team's motivation and the team at Johns Hopkins All Children’s, 洛根回来了. 看他的故事.



Leukemia can be either acute (comes on quickly and progresses rapidly) or chronic (slower to grow and progress). 儿童白血病主要有三种类型:

  • 急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL): This is the most common type of leukemia in children. It affects infants, children and teenagers, but is most common in 1 to 10-year-olds. ALL starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes and progresses rapidly without treatment.
  • 急性髓性白血病(AML): AML can affect very young children and adolescents. The disease starts in myeloid cells that normally mature into white or red blood cells or platelets.
  • 慢性髓性白血病(CML): 这种类型的白血病在儿童中很少见. The disease starts in the myeloid cells but progresses much more slowly than AML.


With the right treatment, leukemia can be cured in many children. 你孩子的 医生 will explain the benefits and risks of your treatment options. Recommended therapies depend on your child’s age, type of leukemia and overall health.


For more information or to make an appointment, 请给我们打电话 at the phone number below. 我们为坦帕湾地区及其他地区的家庭提供服务.


