Home Health Quality of Patient Care

越来越多的患者回国后需要持续的专业医疗服务,以减少再入院. 约翰霍普金斯家庭护理和约翰霍普金斯家庭护理- Potomac帮助患者恢复和保持他们的功能水平,并独立管理他们的医疗保健需求. With a coordinated approach that stresses personalized care, the team works closely with the physician, the patient and family members to plan, review progress and make adjustments to the plan of care.

What are these measures?

patient in a chair smiling at a caregiver

约翰霍普金斯家庭护理中心和约翰霍普金斯家庭护理中心-波托马克提供医疗服务, such as skilled nursing, physical therapy and speech therapy, for patients in the comfort of their own home. Care Compare is a resource, 通过医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)的努力创建, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 这使得消费者可以从不同的角度比较家庭保健机构的表现, including its own star rating measures. “护理比较”显示了每家家庭保健机构在护理患者时采用最佳做法的频率,以及患者在某些重要护理领域是否有所改善.

推荐十大正规网赌平台护理质量星级评级是对机构绩效的季度汇总衡量,其依据是家庭保健机构在医疗保险护理比较中报告的9项单项质量指标上的表现. 选择这些措施是为了对适用于大多数人的措施的机构绩效进行总体概述.

To have a quality of patient care star rating computed, 家庭保健机构必须报告用于星级计算的九项措施中的五项的数据.

Why is this important?

高质量的家庭护理是确保患者在住院后或可能需要的医疗条件下接受必要治疗的关键组成部分. Home care providers train caregivers and engage case managers, community physicians, and insurance providers to create wrap-around care of the patient. By engaging in timely intervention of care, fall prevention interventions, medication monitoring and education, and remote patient monitoring for certain disease pathways, home care providers can reduce the risk of hospital readmission.

预期的家庭卫生保健患者和家庭可以使用家庭卫生比较结果客观地了解卫生机构如何照顾他们的推荐十大正规网赌平台, how often each agency used best practices when caring for its patients, whether patients improved in certain important areas of care, 以及其他推荐十大正规网赌平台对他们最近的家庭保健经历的描述,以帮助确定哪个家庭护理小组最适合他们.

What is Johns Hopkins Medicine doing to continue to improve?

Collaborate and Coordinate Care

大约85%的约翰霍普金斯家庭护理和约翰霍普金斯家庭护理患者来自医院. Prior to discharge, home care coordinators, who are strategically placed at each Johns Hopkins Medicine hospital, coordinate with home care providers, hospital care teams, 患者及其护理人员确保患者在48小时内开始接受护理.

Communicating Clearly with Patients

家庭护理人员为患者提供一份便于患者使用的药物清单,以教导患者和/或护理人员如何管理药物信息. 该团队使用该文件与患者一起审查他们的每种药物,并确保他们按照规定服用药物. 这有助于他们尽快过渡到管理自己的护理. 家庭护理人员使用推荐十大正规网赌平台友好用药清单作为回顾和讨论用药目的的工具, dose, how often to take and side effects.

全面的教育和交流有助于患者在护理人员不在的情况下学会管理自己. This empowers patients to regain and retain their level of independence.

Creating a Safe Home Environment

家庭护理康复工作人员对每位患者的需求和家庭环境进行全面评估,以制定个性化的护理计划,并指导家庭锻炼计划. 评估患者的生活环境,工作人员可能会提出建议,以尽量减少跌倒的风险.

Frontline Perspective

Mindy NadelAs a home care therapist, 明迪·纳德尔说,没有千篇一律的方法,而是为她的每个推荐十大正规网赌平台提供高度专业化的护理.

Mindy Nadel
Physical Therapist, Johns Hopkins Care at Home - Potomac

“作为一名物理治疗师,我工作中最好的部分就是照顾推荐十大正规网赌平台,帮助他们发挥最大的潜力. 我的第一次上门是一次全面的评估,以确保护理的每一个方面都包括在内:一次深入的家庭安全评估, an evaluation of the patient’s functional mobility, strength and balance, pain and edema management, durable medical equipment needs, and an evaluation of any applicable surgical site or wound care. 然后,我可以根据每个推荐十大正规网赌平台的环境,准确地应用他或她的需求,并制定个性化的家庭锻炼计划. 我总是问我的推荐十大正规网赌平台他们的目标是什么,然后和他们一起解决问题, improve their functional status, and help them to feel the best they possibly can.

我最喜欢的推荐十大正规网赌平台之一是一位上了年纪的女士,她摔倒了,髋部和手腕骨折了. Because of her advanced age, 她不能通过手术来修复髋关节,也不能走路. When she returned home after her hospital stay, 我与她和她的护理人员一起进行了从病床到轮椅的转移训练. 几个月后,她的骨科医生再次给她开了家庭护理处方,开始进行步态训练. She began to improve, from being bedridden to wheelchair bound, and eventually to walking again, all while living in her own home. She had a wonderful spirit and attitude. 帮助我的推荐十大正规网赌平台,鼓励他们在发现自己能力的同时充分发挥自己的潜力,这是非常值得的.”

How can patients and families support safety?


For more information

Patient Resources

Quality and Safety Performance During COVID-19

该组织的质量和安全绩效可能受到COVID-19大流行的影响. 我们会敦促患者考虑近期的表现与历史表现相结合. 患者可以通过与医疗保健提供者讨论COVID-19可能对护理质量和安全造成的破坏而受益.

See how Johns Hopkins Medicine prioritizes safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.