Research & Clinical Trials


Laboratories Affiliated with The Cochlear Implant Center


Auditory Brainstem Laboratory

The overall goal of the Auditory Brainstem Library is to understand how abnormal auditory input from the ear affects the brainstem, and how the brain in turn affects activity in the ear through efferent feedback loops. Our emphasis is on understanding the effects of different forms of acquired hearing loss (genetic, conductive, noise-induced, age-related, traumatic brain injury-related) and environmental noise. We are particularly interested in plastic changes in the brain that compensate for some aspects of altered auditory input, and how those changes relate to central auditory processing deficits, tinnitus, and hyperacusis. Understanding these changes will help refine therapeutic strategies and identify new targets for treatment. We collaborate with other labs in the Depts. of Otolaryngology, Neuroscience, Neuropathology, the Wilmer Eye Institute, and the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins, in addition to labs outside the university to increase the impact and clinical relevance of our research.

Principal Investigator: Amanda Lauer, Ph.D., M.S.

Bowditch Research Group

Bowditch Research Group conducts research regarding speech discrimination in background noise, cochlear implants and osseointegrated hearing devices.

Principal Investigator: Stephen Bowditch, Au.D., M.S.

Carey Research Group

John Carey’s Research Group conducts research regarding diseases of the inner ear that affect both balance and hearing mechanisms. Key interests include superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS), the normal vestibular reflexes and how they change with age, novel intratympanic treatments (i.e., middle ear injections) for conditions like Menière’s disease and sudden hearing loss, and the mechanisms of vestibular migraine. With Lloyd Minor, Dr. Carey helped develop the operation to repair the superior canal in patients with SCDS using image-guided surgery. Dr. Carey得到了美国国家卫生研究院-国家耳聋和其他交流障碍研究所的资助,研究meni氏病的内耳平衡功能和突发性听力损失的类固醇治疗.

Principal Investigator: John Carey, M.D.

Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health

The Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health is dedicated to training clinicians, researchers and public health experts to study and address the impact that hearing loss has on older adults and public health. We aim to make measured local, national and global impacts through a macro level (e.g., public policy legislation), micro level (e.g., programs to deliver hearing care to individuals in a particular community), and everywhere in between (e.g., influential research publications, etc.)坚持我们中心的总体使命和愿景,即有效优化老龄化社会的健康和功能,成为听力损失和公共卫生领域开创性研究和培训的首要全球资源.

Principal Investigator: Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D.

Glowatzki Lab

Research in the Glowatzki Lab focuses on the auditory system, with a particular focus on synaptic transmission in the inner ear.

Our lab is using dendritic patch clamp recordings to examine mechanisms of synaptic transmission at this first, critical synapse in the auditory pathway. With this technique, 我们可以以独特的高分辨率诊断递质释放的分子机制(这是每个传入神经元的唯一输入)。, and relate them directly to the rich knowledge base of auditory signaling by single afferent neurons.

We study pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms that determine auditory nerve fiber properties. 这种方法将有助于研究突触传递的一般原理,特别是识别遗传性听神经病变和其他耳蜗功能障碍的分子底物.

Principal Investigator: Elisabeth Glowatzki, Ph.D.

Vestibular NeuroEngineering Lab

Research in the Vestibular NeuroEngineering Lab (VNEL) focuses on restoring inner ear function through “bionic” electrical stimulation, inner ear gene therapy, and enhancing the central nervous system’s ability to learn ways to use sensory input from a damaged inner ear. VNEL research involves basic and applied neurophysiology, biomedical engineering, clinical investigation and population-based epidemiologic studies.

Principal Investigator: Charles Della Santina, M.D., Ph.D.