过敏实验室服务- DACI参考实验室

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JHU DACI实验室的任务、监督和范围

使命:约翰霍普金斯大学皮肤病学, 过敏和临床免疫学(DACI)参考实验室是一个联邦(临床实验室改进法案- 1988)许可的临床实验室,于1982年开始运作. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, 为北美哮喘患者提供高质量的诊断性过敏和免疫学测试, allergy, and immunologic disorders.

监督:DACI参考实验室作为约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU)临床实验室网络的一个组成部分,由医学和病理学部门运营. In 1989, DACI实验室从好撒玛利亚人医院搬到了位于巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯医疗机构湾景校区的约翰霍普金斯哮喘和过敏中心, MD. It is directed by Robert G. Hamilton Ph.D., D.ABMLI and N. Franklin Adkinson, M.D. serving as the Medical Director. 实验室工作人员包括Jack Wisenauer BS, MT (ASCP) (Supervisor), Anne Pence(临床协调员)和Charles Bronzert BS, MLT.

范围:JHU DACI参考实验室提供广泛的实验室测试菜单,包括过敏原特异性IgE测量,约300花粉, epidermal, mold spore, mite, food, drug, venom, and occupational allergen specificities. 该实验室专门从事膜翅目(昆虫叮咬)毒液特异性IgE和IgG抗体测量. 此外,DACI实验室还进行超敏性肺炎沉淀检测.

Client Services

我们的实验室代表可以回答有关测试信息的电话查询, patient results, laboratory report, and billing questions. 可以通过拨打800/344-3224 (DACI)或410/550-2029与他们联系, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST). 在非工作时间,我们的语音留言服务可以为您留言. 可要求对以前通过传真发送至410-550-2030或通过电子邮件发送至Anne Pence的标本进行额外检测, operations manager at [email protected] or to Charles Bronzert, lab manager at [email protected]. 请不要在周五寄隔夜包裹,因为周六没有人在实验室接收.

  • 特异性IgE抗体测试(包括昆虫)
  • 膜翅目毒液特异性IgE抗体检测
  • Precipitins for Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Collection and Handling


Serum: Human serum is required for all antibody tests. Please note: not open on weekends.约翰霍普金斯大学DACI参考实验室收费表列出了每个单独测试的标本体积要求. In general, 0.每次血清学试验需要3毫升血清. 所要求的血清量用于重复分析试验,剩余部分用于重复分析,以确保试验准确性. All remaining specimens are stored up to 7 years; This permits the performance of repeat measurements or additional tests that can be performed if they are desired at a later date. 我们不要求将标本冷冻后放在干冰上隔夜送达. Rather, 我们要求将血清标本放在一个12 × 75毫米的塑料管中, frozen, and shipped in an IATA-approved packaging. 冷冻标本可在室温下在美国大陆内的邮件中发送.

For collection and processing of serum, 静脉穿刺取10毫升全血,送入不含抗凝剂的注射器或红顶或虎顶真空容器. 如果用注射器收集,将内容物转移到没有抗凝剂的玻璃或塑料管中. 接下来,让血液在室温下凝固1-2小时. Centrifuge and harvest the serum, 将细胞放入塑料(5ml) 12 × 75mm塑料试管中,并用塑料盖紧紧密封. If no centrifuge is available, 将试管冷藏一夜,这样白细胞和红细胞就会沉淀下来,然后小心地将血清转移到塑料管中. 塞紧管子,防止运输过程中血清流失. 在试管上贴上推荐十大正规网赌平台姓名、出生日期、采集日期和医生姓名. 如果血清要保存几天或超过一个周末, store it frozen until the time of shipping.

For overnight shipping using the following address:

JHU DACI Reference Laboratory
Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center
Room 1A20
5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle
Baltimore, MD 21224, USA

Phone: 410-550-2029
Fax: 410-550-2030

For first class Domestic mail only, use the following address:

JHU DACI Reference Laboratory
Location: P.O. Box 26037
Baltimore, MD 21224, USA

Order Forms


Must have Acrobat® Reader

Billing Information

  • Bill physician/laboratory account
  • 患者通过支票/信用卡支付(VISA, MC, AM EX, DISCOVER)
  • Bill Medicare

All Medicare patients must sign:

我们的实验室代表可以随时回复有关测试信息的电话, patient results, laboratory reports, and billing questions. They may be reached by calling 800-344-3224 (DACI) or 410-550-2029, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST). 在非工作时间,我们的语音留言服务可以为您留言. 可要求对以前通过传真发送的标本进行额外的测试 410-550-2030 or [email protected]. 请不要在周五寄隔夜包裹,因为周六没有人在实验室接收.

References Related to Laboratory Tests

有关在JHU DACI参考实验室进行的诊断性过敏实验室测试的选定参考文献 click here.