儿童食物过敏 & 婴儿

我们为食物过敏的儿童提供检测和治疗, and work with families to help them learn how to best manage their child’s allergy at home and school.

在约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的食物过敏诊所, we provide comprehensive care for children of all ages with suspected or confirmed food allergy. Our program is the first hospital clinic dedicated to pediatric food allergy in Florida, 我们还为花生过敏儿童提供了第一个fda批准的治疗方法.


儿童中最常见的过敏原是牛奶, 蛋, 花生, 树坚果(包括核桃), 山核桃, 杏仁, 腰果, 榛子和开心果), 小麦, 大豆, 鱼, 贝类芝麻. 孩子的反应是轻微的还是严重的, 或由于单一或多种食物, we will work with you and your children and guide you through the process of additional testing and treatment options.

食物过敏会给孩子和整个家庭带来压力. 我们也注重推荐十大正规网赌平台和家庭教育, 包括如何阅读食品标签等话题, how to use emergency allergy medication such as injecting epinephrine — a medication that treats an acute allergic reaction — and how to manage a child’s allergy outside the home at school, 托儿所, 营地或其他地方.


通常情况下,我们的免疫系统会对抗感染和疾病. 当你的孩子对食物过敏时, 这意味着他或她的免疫系统会对这种特定的食物做出反应,就好像它是有害的. 当你的孩子接触到那种食物时, 他们的身体会释放化学物质来对抗食物过敏原, 引起过敏症状,影响身体的不同部位, 比如呼吸系统或胃肠道.

食物过敏的症状因人而异, 而且可以在几分钟内迅速形成, 或者在几个小时内. 食物过敏的常见症状包括:

  • 皮疹、荨麻疹或瘙痒
  • 嘴唇、面部、舌头、喉咙或其他身体部位肿胀
  • 呼吸困难、喘息、咳嗽或鼻塞
  • 胃痛、恶心、呕吐或腹泻
  • 头晕、头昏或昏厥

没有药物可以治愈食物过敏, 所以避免是控制孩子食物过敏最重要的一步. We work with families to help them understand how to effectively read food labels and understand ingredients lists.

食物过敏也可能有与食物不耐受相似的症状, but food intolerance does not involve the immune system and is caused by the person’s inability to digest certain substances, 比如乳糖或麸质. 食物不耐受的症状包括打嗝, 消化不良, 气体, 便溏, 头痛和紧张.


  • 食物过敏及其相关情况,如湿疹和过敏反应
  • 食物蛋白性小肠结肠炎综合征(fies), or inflammation of the digestive tract that causes vomiting and diarrhea triggered by certain foods, 通常是牛奶, 大豆, 大米或谷物
  • 食物蛋白诱发过敏性直结肠炎, or inflammation of the rectum and colon that causes diarrhea or blood in stools triggered by certain foods, 通常是牛奶或大豆
  • 食物不耐受
  • 嗜酸性粒细胞性食管炎(EOE)


  • 食物过敏皮肤试验
  • 血液测试 for evaluation of food specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels and component resolved diagnosis (CRD)
  • 口腔食物挑战
  • 口服免疫疗法


您的孩子的第一次预约将包括身体检查, 我们会讲完整的历史, 包括他们对食物的任何反应, 回顾一下孩子过去的治疗或测试结果. 我们将收集有关反应类型、时间和频率的信息.

我们将根据需要推荐额外的测试. 皮肤试验ing for food allergies takes about 15 minutes and may be done the same day if the patient is ready. 我们也可能让您的孩子做血液检查.


在皮肤试验期间(有时称为点刺试验), we apply to the child’s back or arm a set of devices coated with the known allergen extracts for which we want to test. The device has small prongs that will create minor scratches on the skin and allow the allergen extracts to penetrate. If your child has a type of food allergy known as “IgE-mediated reaction” a small wheal reaction (which looks like a raised, red bump that flairs from the middle) likely will develop at the testing site and allow us to confirm the allergy.

皮肤试验通常是一种可靠的食物过敏诊断方法, 15分钟内就能得到结果. We will carefully select the allergen extracts for your child’s skin test depending on his or her history. 皮肤测试可以在常规门诊就诊时进行.


血液检测, 现在可供广泛的食品项目, 是否与皮肤试验一起用于食物过敏评估. The blood test measures the immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody specific to each food being created by your child’s immune system. 花生等食品的成分分解诊断(CRD), 榛子, 除了IgE测试,鸡蛋和牛奶也可以使用.


An oral food challenge is an elective test in which the patient slowly eats small amounts of food to confirm or rule out a suspected allergy. 口腔食物挑战需要三到四个小时.

家长会把孩子要试吃的食物带到预约地点. 在孩子的口腔食物挑战前一周, 我们会打电话给你确认我们要测试的食物和你应该使用的成分.

在预约的那天, 你需要随身携带两支肾上腺素自动注射器, 以防你的孩子在回家的路上反应迟缓. 在测量了孩子的生命体征之后, we will start by giving him or her a very small amount of the food you prepared for the test and monitor for a reaction. 如果你的孩子没有反应, we will increase the amount of food given every 15-20 minutes and continue to observe them for an hour after the last dose.

Completing an oral food challenge in a controlled environment allows us to monitor for and treat an allergic reaction to confirm foods your child does or does not need to avoid.


我们使用Palforzia提供口服免疫治疗, 这是fda批准的首个治疗4-17岁儿童花生过敏的药物. 对花生过敏的推荐十大正规网赌平台在我们的办公室里摄入了非常少量的过敏原, 这样他们就可以根据需要进行监测和治疗. The amount ingested is gradually increased over a period of several months to help the patient become desensitized to the food.

口服免疫疗法不能治愈儿童的过敏, but the treatment can desensitize children to 花生s so that they experience less severe reactions if they come into contact with something containing 花生s, which can help to alleviate the stress many families feel in navigating their child’s 花生 allergy. 患者不应食用花生以外的治疗预约.

口服免疫疗法 treatment is also available on a self-pay basis for patients with other food allergies including milk, 蛋, 还有树坚果(腰果), 杏仁, 胡桃木, 等.), among others, as well as those with 花生 allergy outside of the age range for Palforzia.


了解更多关于食物过敏诊所的信息或预约, 请打电话给我们 727-767-8727.



Dr. Sriaroon是约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的过敏专家, 她在那里领导医院的食物过敏诊所. Dr. Sriaroon sees patients with various allergic and immunologic conditions and teaches medical students, 住院医师和研究员.

Dr. Sriaroon has authored several peer-reviewed articles and has ongoing clinical trials on food allergy and immunoglobulin therapy. 她曾受邀在国内和国际上发表演讲.

Dr. Sriaroon在泰国朱拉隆功大学获得医学学位. She completed her pediatric residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in Chicago and a fellowship in allergy/immunology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. She joined the faculty at USF and the medical staff at Johns Hopkins All Children’s in 2009.



小霍梅罗·加西亚., aprn, cpnp-pc

霍梅罗·加西亚是食物过敏诊所的高级执业注册护士. He has more than eight years of experience working with patients with allergic and immunologic conditions. 他还曾在美国联邦调查局任职.S. 海军医院医护兵,三级野战医疗服务技术员. He earned his Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in nursing from the University of South Florida. 他会说西班牙语.

小霍梅罗·加西亚., aprn, cpnp-pc



The first FDA-approved treatment for 花生 allergy in children is helping to give kids like Ian and their families peace of mind.



过敏专家Panida Sriaroon, m.s.D. 解释了父母如何发现孩子的过敏反应.



Four-year-old Nico has completed more than six food challenges with the 食物过敏门诊 to see if and how he reacts to certain foods he might be allergic to. A better understanding of exactly what causes an allergic reaction for kids like Nico makes a big difference for families and children navigating complicated food allergies.
