Doctor taking men's blood pressure
Doctor taking men's blood pressure
Doctor taking men's blood pressure

High Blood Pressure: Prevention, Treatment and Research

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We all have “blood pressure.这只是指心脏跳动时血液推动动脉壁的方式. However, 三分之一的美国成年人患有高血压这种潜在的危险疾病, also called hypertension. 对于那些患有高血压的人来说,血液在动脉中流动的速度比正常情况下要快.

当你运动或处于压力之下时,血压升高是正常的. 但是当压力太大的时候即使你休息的时候, and stays too high for too long, it can stretch and damage your arteries. 高血压导致的健康问题包括心脏病, heart failure, stroke, kidney damage, vision loss, and memory loss and cognitive decline.

“As a physician, 我对推荐十大正规网赌平台在家测血压更感兴趣, under their normal conditions, 而不是我办公室里某一时间点的样子,” says Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center cardiologist Michael Blaha, M.D., M.P.H. “了解你的血压随时间的变化,可以最好地帮助医生确定你是否有问题.” 


遵循健康的生活方式被认为是保持健康的最好方法 blood pressure within the recommended range. How to do it:

  • Keep your weight healthy. 你的身体质量指数(BMI)越高,你患糖尿病的几率就越大 developing high blood pressure. Learn your BMI from your doctor and aim for the normal range of weight for your height.

  • Track your blood pressure. “经常在家里量血压,带血来 把你的血压读数记录给医生,”布莱哈建议. 经常检查尤其重要,如果你是 40岁以上,超重,久坐,或有家族病史 heart disease or high blood pressure.

  • Eat heart-healthy foods. 这意味着饮食中要富含全谷物、水果和蔬菜, and lean protein, and low in sodium and alcohol. Get practical ideas to eat for heart health in Eat Smart .

  • Get, or stay, fit. 积极运动有助于控制体重,降低患病几率 of many different heart problems.

  • Don’t smoke, or, if you do now, quit. Smoking damages blood vessels.

  • Learn healthy ways to manage stress. Many people find yoga, meditation , music and tai chi helpful.


血压读数有两个数字:收缩压(“sisi - toli -ick”) 读数中的第一个或最上面的数字)和舒张压(“dye-a- stoll -ick”) second or bottom number in a reading). Systolic pressure is the force of the blood against the artery walls when the heart contracts to pump blood. Systolic pressure is always the higher number. Diastolic pressure is the pressure against the arteries between heartbeats, as the heart relaxes. The unit of measurement is in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

最佳血压为120/80毫米汞柱(即“120 /80”)或 below. 成人高血压的定义是收缩压高于 140 or diastolic pressure above 90. Generally, a diagnosis of high blood 当你在三个不同的场合有高读数时,压力就会产生 during a single week. Some people’s blood pressure is changeable, and 另一些人则有所谓的“白大褂高血压”——血压升高 布拉哈说,这是在医生办公室感到压力的结果. You may be 要求佩戴便携式血压计以获得准确的读数.


只有不到一半的高血压患者血压低于 control. 但是,如果病情及早发现并得到适当治疗,那么 outlook is good.
有时高血压可以仅仅通过生活方式来治疗 changes, which are the first line of defense. In other cases, treatment 根据Blaha的说法,需要健康的生活方式和药物治疗.
To lower blood pressure, you should:
Follow your doctor’s recommendations. 对于那些已经被诊断患有高血压的人,目标是 keep blood pressure below 140/90. (For those with diabetes or chronic kidney disease, the goal may be 130/80.)
Shed some weight. 如果你超重或肥胖,你可以降低健康问题的风险 在第一年减掉5%到10%的体重 treatment.
Limit sodium in your diet. Aim to keep daily consumption under 1,500 mg per day. Beware certain 加工食品,比如烘焙食品,早餐麦片,松饼和 蛋糕占大多数饮食中75%的钠.
Consume more potassium-rich foods. This nutrient can limit the effects of sodium. Good sources of potassium 包括红薯,菠菜和其他蔬菜,香蕉,蘑菇, raisins and dates, and lima beans and peas. It’s best to avoid any 钾补充剂或盐替代品(通常含有钾) without your doctor’s OK.
Follow an overall heart-healthy diet. 为了心脏健康,推荐地中海式饮食. A very similar diet, called the DASH Diet 减少钠的摄入,多吃水果和蔬菜 saturated fat; it’s often recommended for people with high blood pressure. DASH是饮食方法来阻止高血压的首字母缩略词.)
  • Move more. 一个好的指导方针是:每天进行30分钟的有氧运动 (快走、跑步、游泳)一周中的大部分时间. If 如果你刚开始锻炼,在开始锻炼之前先征得医生的同意 workout program.

  • Quit smoking. 和你的医生谈谈可以帮助你的支持项目.

  • Take medications as prescribed. 因为治疗高血压的药物有不同的作用方式,你 may be prescribed more than one.

Living With...

Controlling your blood pressure is a long-term effort. Once diagnosed, most people need lifetime treatment. The payoff, though, is improved overall 健康和减少严重心脏问题的风险,如中风和 heart attack. In addition to following healthy lifestyle habits:

  • 如果发现任何副作用,请立即告知医生 from blood pressure medications. 按照指示服用药物,不要停止使用 consulting your doctor.

  • Know the warning signs of too-high blood pressure. 在大多数情况下,这种情况是没有症状的,但在极端情况下 危险的高血压,一个人可能会出现铃声 耳中、头晕、头痛、流鼻血、刺痛或麻木 the hands and feet, drowsiness or confusion.

  • Learn how to take your blood pressure at home. 这很容易学,设备在药店很容易买到 在其他地方,你的医生可以告诉你怎么做,Blaha说.


约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员和临床医生继续探索方法 prevent and manage high blood pressure and its effects. Among their noteworthy research:

抗高血压药物可能有助于保持人的认知功能 with high blood pressure. 约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员领导了一项研究,表明中年高血压 raises the odds of memory problems in old age. When treated early, though, this risk may drop.

体重增加和体重增加会增加患高血压的风险. 从青年到中年,尤其如此. A Johns 霍普金斯大学的研究帮助巩固了高体重指数和肥胖之间的联系 high blood pressure.

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